Adults Only

The Adult Baby and Diaper Lover (AB/DL) Community has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with real children or babies. AB/DL people enjoy wearing and using diapers. By scrolling down and reading this blog you agree that you wish to view material about adults wearing diapers.

All persons in this blog are over the age of 18.

For anyone new to this blog, I suggest you start with the introduction. and work forwards in time!


January 14, 2010

My Story : dl-daddy

I apologise for the long post, but I thought it only fair to share the story of my "becoming" an AB/DL.

My first memory of diapers was at the age of 10 - my younger sister would dress her teddies in baby diapers - and whilst the details are unclear to me, I remember being in my bedroom, untaping the diaper from a teddy I had at the time, and trying to tape myself up. This is a self contained memory - the next I can remember is a few years later.

I must have just started puberty, and I remember waking one day after dreaming I was at a sleepover with my friend, and he brought diapers for us to wear. This was the first time I remember waking from a dream, and wanting to go straight back! The comfort and security my mind had created was a perfect experience, and I wanted to stay there forever.

At this point, we had one computer in the house connected to AOL (something I will never subject my children to!). Somehow I managed to get past its ridiculous content filtering, and after a lot of googling, found I must admit, at age 14, this was a very scary site - mainly because it explained everything I'd been feeling after the dream. Further web surfing cememented the idea that I was an infantilist - and the "rational" part of my mind decided I should tell my Mother about this.

This basically consisted of "I think I might be an infantilist... I had this dream etc and I think it's something weird about me." Followed by tears, Mum telling me it was just a dream, then a fair few awkward months where she'd ask me if I'd had more dreams... so learnt from that and never mentioned it again!

I hid the desires from myself until I hit mid teens, got my own internet connection, and boy, the websites had developed a lot by then! From here, I discovered Attends, the diapergals forum, and after a lot of soul searching, decided I was a DL. The appeal of the diaper wouldn't leave me, and when I was 16, I took the plunge and ordered a sample of Attends. After taping up, it felt perfect, and I quickly fell asleep content - only to be rudely awoken in the middle of the night by my bladder - ambitiously, tried to use the diaper, which didn't happen - off goes the diaper, up to the toilet, then an overwhelming shame at what I'd done.

Again, I hid the desires again until I started at University. At first, making new friends kept me distracted, but as I hit the end of puberty, the desires had reared their ugly head for good. I'd spend countless nights trawling AB forums and video sites, wishing I could wear again, but the shame of the last experience stopped me from trying.

So for most of my life, I was a DL online, but my real life didn't overlap. I just hadn't totally accepted that it was a part of me, feared sharing it with a partner, so tried to hide it from myself.

It wasn't until June last year, on one of my typical internet AB/DL sessions, I discovered Bambinos through At which point, possibly my AB side kicked in; I couldn't resist the idea of a babyish diaper - and ordered a sample. I had a fair few nights wearing in bed, with the best sleep I'd had in years - and when they were gone (no attempts at wetting however), then I was hooked. I was a definite DL, and possibly AB.

Again, through adisc, I discovered diaperbook, and met littleabgirl - whilst I will save the ins and outs of our "courting" for another post, one key thing from it was a deeper feeling of AB/DL inside - she opened my eyes, and helped me realise how big a part of me this is.

So I ordered a full case of diapers from, and they've been sitting in my wardrobe for whenever the urges arise. I also do have a onesie and dummy for the times that I need to regress, usually when littleabgirl is paying me a visit!

But to conclude, I am finally happy with who I am, who I'm with, and the "secret" side to me. I generally will wear once or twice a month, with the addition of baby time with littleabgirl. It is not my intention to go 24/7; I treat this as a side of me to indulge when the time is right, with the fear of ruining a good thing with overindulging.


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